
 Rabbi Segal is always creating new pathways for connection and coming up with new ideas about how to engage new and veteran community members. Meeting people where they are and creating relevant and meaningful experiences are key to Rabbi Segal’s innovative vision. Below are just a few examples of recent creations:

Created during the pandemic to help community members connect with and help each other, the Chesed Circle is a group of volunteers dedicated to easing the burden of those going through difficult times and making sure they feel thought of by their community.

Created during the pandemic to help community members connect with and help each other, the Chesed Circle is a group of volunteers dedicated to easing the burden of those going through difficult times and making sure they feel thought of by their community.

In the fall of 2020, we could not safely be together as a community to sing and pray in the same room.  To preserve and deepen a beloved congregational tradition, Rabbi Segal created a reflective service of all music, performed by a local professional string quintet.  It was a moving experience and a precious opportunity to experience Kol Nidre together.

In the fall of 2020, we could not safely be together as a community to sing and pray in the same room. To preserve and deepen a beloved congregational tradition, Rabbi Segal created a reflective service of all music, performed by a local professional string quintet. It was a moving experience and a precious opportunity to experience Kol Nidre together.

Now a beloved tradition in anticipation of the High Holy Days, Rabbi Segal created a daily inspirational email series for the entire month of Elul.  Each year has a special theme and reflections are written by members of the congregation.  It is spiritually engaging and a wonderful community builder.

Now a beloved tradition in anticipation of the High Holy Days, Rabbi Segal created a daily inspirational email series for the entire month of Elul. Each year has a special theme and reflections are written by members of the congregation. It is spiritually engaging and a wonderful community builder.

What better way to connect with young families than through play?  Meet people where they are in an informal environment and relationships will blossom.

What better way to connect with young families than through play? Meet people where they are in an informal environment and relationships will blossom.

Based on studies that show that families are most open to new and lasting connections when their children are 0-2 years old, Rabbi Segal secured grant funding for energetic music classes for babies including low-barrier Jewish content.  The classes …

Based on studies that show that families are most open to new and lasting connections when their children are 0-2 years old, Rabbi Segal secured grant funding for energetic music classes for babies including low-barrier Jewish content. The classes were incredibly successful in drawing in new, previously unaffiliated families in a lasting way.

Rabbi Segal provided leadership to join together with clergy women from local communities to present a meaningful spiritual series for women during the spring of 2021.  The programs engaged more than 100 women and have led to requests for further programs which are forthcoming.

Rabbi Segal provided leadership to join together with clergy women from local communities to present a meaningful spiritual series for women during the spring of 2021. The programs engaged more than 100 women and have led to requests for further programs which are forthcoming.

Rabbi Segal created an interactive presentation and arranged a catered meal for the community’s first (now annual) Tu B’shvat Seder for adults.  Since Tu B’shvat occurs during  wintertime, we made it an Aprés ski celebration!

Rabbi Segal created an interactive presentation and arranged a catered meal for the community’s first (now annual) Tu B’shvat Seder for adults. Since Tu B’shvat occurs during wintertime, we made it an Aprés ski celebration!

In partnership with our 2019 summer cantorial student intern, Rabbi Segal created a series of Prayer Lab Shabbat experiences, in which we turned our sanctuary into a laboratory for spiritual experimentation where we played with the boundaries of the secular and the holy.

In partnership with our 2019 summer cantorial student intern, Rabbi Segal created a series of Prayer Lab Shabbat experiences, in which we turned our sanctuary into a laboratory for spiritual experimentation where we played with the boundaries of the secular and the holy.

In the fall of 2020, Rabbi Segal spearheaded an incredible virtual event that brought together more than 50 small congregations from across the country for a lively and spiritual Simchat Torah concert with Nefesh Mountain.

In the fall of 2020, Rabbi Segal spearheaded an incredible virtual event that brought together more than 50 small congregations from across the country for a lively and spiritual Simchat Torah concert with Nefesh Mountain.

Rabbi Segal gathered an intergenerational group of women to plan and lead the congregation’s first ever Women’s Seder, including a delicious meal, a collaboratively created Women’s Seder Haggadah,  and meaningful, innovative ritual.

Rabbi Segal gathered an intergenerational group of women to plan and lead the congregation’s first ever Women’s Seder, including a delicious meal, a collaboratively created Women’s Seder Haggadah, and meaningful, innovative ritual.