Sermons & Stories

Rabbi Segal is a dynamic storyteller and a powerful and connective speaker. Here you will find a selection of sermons and stories shared over the past few years.

Abortion Access & Religious Freedom: A Call for Progressive Jewish Voices

Delivered on Rosh Hashanah 5782/2021 in the wake of recent legislation in certain states severely limiting access to reproductive healthcare.


Even in Darkness, Light

Sermon from November 9th, 2018, one week after the special service in which we mourned the tragedy in Pittsburgh.

Story: Moving the Boulder

Delivered during the first Carbondale Shabbat back together during the pandemic on May 14th, 2021.


What we have, what we lack, what we keep, what we give

Sermon on Parashat Tazria-Metzora from Spring 2020 during social distancing & quarantining.